Monday, July 26, 2010

Attention All You Brown Trash Crack Weekend Visitors To The Bay..

No, it's not cool to keep your unleashed pitbull on the beach. Chased me for over 100 yards, trying to bite and attack. My mistake was I should have pushed hard, but the bike lane was crowded and I'm sprinting in the right lane, with a full pack and bags. I've out run dogs before, but this ass was very fast. As soon as I tried to kick him off, Forced me over in the left lane of traffic and bit the back of my upper thigh. HARD!

All during a packed weekend. In full view of another 100 + foot road race party support group.
Finally I was able to pepper spray that piece of shit. He kept coming at me (By now I had the bike between us) I kept spraying until he couldn't hardly breathe. He kept coming at me. Then I went all Godfather and beat him with my now ruined $100 pump. Funny how he crawled off only to be taken off 1/2 hour later to be put down by Animal Control. AND the "owner" and "family" freaked out on me. WTF?
I had 4 stitches later, on the side of the road by AC, I might add. Thank goodness my tetnus is up to date.

AC and Sheriffs issued a $2000 ticket, impounded the car and hauled them all off.

I love dogs, but this was not a dog. IMO Drug dog.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Getting Back At It

Slowed way down this week. The dehydration issue over a week ago has still kicked my ass. Actually I get a whole lot nervous now. Which, for lack of a better word SUCKS since I'm 11 days away from my last 100 mile summer run. Will be riding with DP Phil and our awesome Stone Jerseys.
The Dead Pirates are down to the original 2 members. We fired everyone. A few are pissy about it, but hey it was our gig to begin with. And it will be our gig when it ends.

Gel and fluids, just going to be a mental thing for me. Ditching my toe clips and will be running pedals with cleats. Wish me luck. After that, this nonsense is done.

Until September. :-)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Finished. Done, Until I heal.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


I think I fucked myself up. Dude I am so sore. It had to be the dehydration. That west coast bike trip was cake, compared to climbing Baker. It's 80 again and I don't even have a craving for a beer. HAHAHA! I really pushed myself yesterday, and you know what? I lament this drive and energy, where the hell was it in my 20's? I was way more reckless and stupid then I guess.

At hour 7 I made the summit. Everything hit at once, all my issues of missing Maddy, my problems with Kathy, being unemployed, keeping everything together, and I'm fucking thirsty, and I am going to beat those 20 year old spandex fuckers, I miss my Dad, I think I'm going nuts at 8000 feet. You turn around and see the ocean 60 miles away and dive right back into it. Downhill, steep fast ride. Craziest thing I ever experienced. DP Phil was nowhere to be seen. I had this tunnel vision on the way down. Dude that road drops fast and rocks! My Uncle is there at the end to watch me fall down. It was so weird. I felt so stupid having to be helped standing up.

What did I learn? 1 - drink more water. 2 - Turn all of this energy into something good for the planet. 3 - Be thankful for my life. 4 - Sleep on the deck today, wake up and do it all over again!

5 - change out peddles. 6 - ditch Reebok shoes. 7 - Adjust seat height, I went a bit taller and my legs ache.
8 - Heal 9 - Refuse to "mellow out" 10 - see #4