Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New bike (rebuilt) runs like a bat out of hell with the gearing. I am looking forward to the St. Patrick's 100 mile run. I am healthy and find myself riding in an upper gear without even thinking about. On the way home, Birch Bay is flat and smooth. Which is a nice 3 mile cool down, then you hit Seldar hill (my home) and it's an intense climb to get home. I am 1/4 mile from my beloved beach, but it's a straight up 700 ft, 38 degree grade. I admit there have been a few times I walked the bike home, on the last stretch. Uphill in 40 mph winds, yes I walked the last 100 feet. :-)
Riding on the coast, you have to constantly deal with the wind. The best part is when you finally get a tail wind and keep pace with traffic!

On another note. We have decided to not involve anyone else in our club. The Dead Pirate's stand as we started. Myself, Phil & Mike. We have also decided to not merge with Seattle Bike Club. We will be running solo against the dreaded spandex weekend warriors. Stay Tuned.

And the ankle is at 98%

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